Friday, 15 November 2013

Some Character for the Living Room!

I don't know about you, but I just love the character a fireplace can add to a room. Now we have a gas fireplace in the family room (I'll save that project for another post), but our small living room was in need of some help. We really couldn't afford to add a gas insert, so I started thinking about a faux fireplace. We didn't really need the heat, just the look. At first I thought we should build the whole thing ourselves, use brick veneer inside…but it just wasn't coming together. Then I though, "what if we used an real cast iron fireplace?" My husband liked the idea and so, I started the search for one.

It was from a beautiful, old Victorian in Whitby, Ontario. The fireplace was very dirty and rusty from years of use.

Here's what the room looked like before we got started.


with a little elbow grease, and a lot of hard work, here's what we came up with...
